Release Day for The Aegis

SO excited that today is release day for The Aegis, a vampires vs Light Warriors paranormal romance, from Champagne Books. Check out the cover by Petra. Click the cover to read a blurb or buy.

the aegis ecoverMelinda Kildare, antiquarian and rare book dealer extraordinaire, returns to her shop after an estate sale with a massive, sealed barrel. Too late, she discovers that the Aegis medallion that traps her head-first in the bottom of the barrel is the bait used by a family of vampires to capture and enslave women of power.

Light Warrior Damian Sinclair who has battled the Dark Ones for centuries answers Melinda’s call—the Call of a lifemate. While protecting her from the Dark Ones who pursue her relentlessly, he introduces her to passion, love, and her heritage as a Shield Bearer of the Light.

Will they find happiness as they unite to fight the Dark Ones or fall victims to the Dark forces ranged against them?


“The Aegis” Champagne Books, April, 2013
“Her Teddy Bare” Champagne’s Carnal Passions, May, 2013
“Search & Rescue” Secret Cravings, July, 2013
“Finding Eve” Champagne Books, September, 2013
“Into the Lyons’ Den” Champagne Books, 2012
“His Obsession” Siren BookStrand, 2012
“His Desire” Siren BookStrand, 2012

Blog Live Radio… Live After Dark

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Hello everyone!!!  I know I’m horrible about the blog thing, but I’ve been extremely busy. I’ve decided to self publish one of my stories Forever Lost. Here is my book cover we created ourself with the help of my fabulous talented husband. If everything goes right it should be up and running this weekend on Amazon, and Barnes and Nobles. If not, it’ll be really soon.

What I didn’t know is that my sister in law host a blog live radio site and has asked me for a interview. So, I’ll be online tomorrow night at 10pm., at Live After dark. I’ll also plug in our conference for next month.

Also if anyone else would like to do an interview please let me know and I will talk to my sister Helen Cannon.  Here is the site of the Blog Live

Moonday’s Heroic Hunks in History: Vampires

Throughout October, each Moonday’s Heroic Hunks in History will feature creatures of the Dark.  Check out the history and pics of some of the best-known characters in the paranormal genre. 

Pitt & Cruise in Interview with a Vampire

Vampires have been part of the myths or folklore of many cultures.  The dead (or undead) creatures who subsisted by feeding on the life essence (usually blood) of living creatures were not called vampires until the 18th century (1734). When tales of vampires reached Europe from the Balkans and Eastern Europe, corpses were exhumed and staked to protect the living. Vampires of folklore were most often revenants of evil beings, suicide victims, or witches, but they can also be created by a malevolent spirit possessing a corpse or by being bitten by a vampire.

In vampire folklore, common  apotropaics (items to ward off vampires) include garlic, branched of wild rose and hawthorn, crucifixes, rosaries, holy water, and sunlight. Vampires could not cross running water, walk on consecrated ground (churches) or enter houses uninvited.  

Methods of destroying vampires varied by country. Staking was the most common method—either with ash, hawthorn, or oak through the heart, mouth or stomach. Decapitation, incineration, sprinkling with holy water, drowning were also used to destroy the corpse. 

SLayer Wesley Snipes in Blade

The charismatic and sophisticated prototype for today’s vampire was developed in John Polidori’s novella The Vampyre (1819).  It also influenced later books such as Bram Stoker’s Dracula and Byron’s unfinished work, The Burial.  Beginning in the 20th century, vampires have been featured often in books, movies and television series.  Characters have become more sympathetic and certainly more handsome.  Check out some of our vampires. Do you have a favorite? 

Next Week, Werewolves. Rita Bay

BTW, throughout October, Rita Bay’s Blog will feature daily blogs on Myths and Legends including animism, legends and folktales, creation myths, the mythology of Greeks/Romans, Celtic, Saxon and Norse mythology. Check them out at    RB

Alexander Skarsgard as Eric Northman in True Blood


David Borneaz as Angel

Johnny Depp as Barnabs in Dark Shadows


Alexander Skarsgard as Eric Northman in True Blood

The Lure of Old Cemeteries

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If you know me, you would know, I’m a scary cat when it comes to watching horror movies. At the same time. I have this passion for paranormal, witches, voodoo, and old cemeteries. The old ones are my favorite, aged, and covered with moss, and some defaced from weather, and climate.

When I visit an old cemetery I love the old crypts, or graves. Love to see their names and wonder  what their life was like when they were alive. A defaced and broken crypt is ideal for a scene in any paranormal story which might include a vampire, goul, ghost, or whatever your fantasy might take a writer.

So with this in mind, here are some great pictures of some crypts located somewhere in the deep south. Let your mind wonder, and your imagination run wild, and free.

How to catch your MUSE, I just call it my inspiration.

What pumps you up more then your muse… the ideas floating around in your head. It’s like a hurricane spinning wild and its controlling everyday life because all you want to do is write. The house goes to the dogs, and dinner is late or you might offer a burnt offering, shrugging it off, thinking to yourself, “You should of did the cooking.” I’m like a junkie with a high when it’s in full swing. I love how my mind works and builds a character, a scene. In my head their is a movie going on and you have to catch it as it flows. Forget the world your living in because your not there anymore your in your own world.
Then sometimes you crash and burn and you need your muse back, feeling frustrated or in withdrawals you might turn cranky, or go into a depression. First I try a movie, something that might motivate me, or read a book. I love artwork, so sometimes I’ll go look for something new, or a music video. Alot of times music can jump start me, but under worse case situations, I tell my hubby, ROAD TRIP, and we head out to the French Quarters, Magazine Street, the River Walk, stop and eat at some hole in the wall, and I’m good to go.
So, you have to find what triggers yours, and work with it. Sometimes for me a song, or a certain movie that might work for one scene is all used up in my head because I listened to it too many times and it’s lost it’s magic. So, I have to go out and hunt for something new to replace the high..
Write on, It’s been fun.. A few pictures for you to enjoy..

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The Mortuary

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This is a Victorian Mansion on Canal Street in New Orleans, It was originally built as a family home later sold to a Notary in 1923, and in 1928 information was brought to attention that it was purchased on on behalf of PJ McMahon which turned it into a grand funeral home. It has over a mile radius of graves and in between the year of 1930 to 2003 over 20,000 funerals took place and their body fluids flushed down the basement. Not to mention being surrounded by the city of the dead. It is documented by a paranormal investigation team. Now it has switched hands and is a Haunted House and only opened at Halloween. For what you mean, they turned it into a HAUNTED HOUSE. I’ve been to see this place of wonder at night, and my daughter screaming to me that she seen a ghost in the cemetery connected to the house as we pulled away. It sent shivers down my spine. And the legend

Writing Under Pressure

Sorry this is late… I let it slip my mind. I have seen my mentor write under some extreme pressures and thought to myself how does she do it. Lately my personal life has hit bottom. I will not go into details, but I have to say I totally get it. For a few days I couldn’t write I became distraught, but I thought to myself if I was under contract I’d have to write. So, I pulled myself out from under the covers and started working and with some help I learned about POV and so, I’m working on my story to fix it.
It’s a slow process trying to change things around without losing the story. I have cussed a few times, and wanted to throw the computer.
The thing is my friends. I learned something new while struggling personally, and by using the negative against myself I changed it into something positive. Thank you Rita, and my sister Runere. You are my lifeline and I love you more then all the stars in the sky.

The Love of Writing

Hello everyone. Happy Dark Thursday. I love writing Paranormal Fantasy, and Sci-fi and along those lines. The creating process is an adventure in itself. I’m a panster, I write by the seat of my pants.  I’ve tried to write with a plot outline, but it only turns into scratch paper. My mentor Christine Feehan is the same way. First I’ll find a great name, and general idea and I begin. The story unravels as I write. Sometimes I might get an idea but it doesn’t mean the character’s listen sometimes they get a mind of their  own, or something will happen, and you’ll  just as surprised that it’s happening. I think that is awesome.

I can’t wait to be published, but I also don’t want it to stop there. I was fearful at one time thinking I might only have one story in me. Well, I found out that’s not true.  I have all kinds of characters in my head. It’s so exciting. It’s like being on a high, and your rushing to catch it because it feels so good.

I really miss not posting parts of a story. Ahh well, we can’t have everything, but I’ll fight to have as much of it as possible. Never give up your dreams. When you get them.. get a one.. Life moves in the positive.. and you’ll always get what you wish for.. by living it in your mind.

I love these pictures. The woman is awesome with her hair, and the dark lips. You can do so much with her. Enjoy.

A FATED Interview, Guest Blogger Rebecca Zanetti’s First EVER Interview!

Hello everyone! Today I am honored and proud to have my critique partner author Rebecca Zanetti join our blog guests. Rebecca and I have been critiquing each other’s works for a little over a year and I can say without doubt that everything I’ve read from her is beyond excellent and should go on the TO BE BOUGHT list right now! Just add her name to the authors on your must read list now, it’ll be well worth it.


First let me tell everyone that Rebecca’s first book entitled FATED will release on February 22, 2011. Secondly this is Rebecca’s first ever interview and to anyone who leaves a comment today I am going to draw for a winner of my ebook . Also don’t forget to stop by Rebecca’s website to get the latest on her, her books, and pictures of the beautiful landscape she is surrounded by. So without further babbling let me all introduce you to my critique partner and valued friend author Rebecca Zanetti who can tell me any day of the week that “this is well written but…” !





What was your motivation for becoming a writer?

First thanks for having me here on the Sizzlers – I always follow this blog!  I think like a lot of writers, I always knew I wanted to write a book someday.  One day I finally put my rear in the chair and started writing.  Of course, it helped that Dec 08 and Jan 09 we were pretty much snowed in.


I jumped on the Twilight train and wrote a paranormal YA.  (Which I just finished revising into an adult book per my agent’s suggestions).  Then I wrote a chicklit I’m currently revising.  I had this vampire story mulling around in my head that wouldn’t leave me alone, but I’d heard that vamps were out.  So I wrote the book for myself just for fun – figuring I’d take it out and read it once in awhile.  It sold in five days. (I say this with total love Bec, but you’re bragging here heifer J )

Can you tell us if your background as a lawyer affected the way you write, or your story lines?

You know, law is about boiling a lot of facts down to one main theme and articulating that theme to other people.  Writing is much the same.  And believe it or not, your voice as a lawyer (how you get the facts across genuinely to a jury or judge) is similar to your voice as a writer – it’s all you.  Also, both worlds are competitive and a bit scary but well worth it.

Growing up in the Pacific Northwest you’ve seen a lot of beautiful country, does the back drop you are surrounded with show up in your books? And if so are there any places in particular that you use for inspiration?

I love the water and mountains.  We live near lakes and rivers, which you’ll find in my books, and FATED has several scenes where the good guys are underground in mountainous caverns for safety. 


I understand that you are pretty close to your family, how does this play into the story lines you write?

My family is amazing.  My husband is a six-foot-five stubborn Italian, and you’ll find parts of his personality in most of my heroes.  My sisters are spunky, fun and adventurous and you can bet my heroines resemble them both in making good decisions and those that have us groaning.  And my folks have been married for over forty years, so I truly believe in happy endings because I have proof they exist.

Most of the readers on the blog have heard your amazing “Call” story in my words but I’d love for you to tell them about you getting the call from both your agent and your editor within hours of each other.

Almost a year to the date after writing my first chapter, I felt guilty because I didn’t want to get on the treadmill.  It was a Thursday, which is a good day for me to work out.  So I figured I’d assuage the guilt by sending out a query or two – and I figured why not send out FATED even though it was a vampire story.  The next day Megan Records at Kensington requested the partial.  I sent it; still not really thinking anything would come of it.  The following Tuesday, agent Caitlin Blasdell requested the partial at around nine in the morning.  A half hour later Megan requested the full.  Two hours later Caitlin requested the full.  They both called with offers the next day.


I was stunned.  It just happened so fast, what a difference five days can make. (AGAIN, I love ya but you’re bragging heifer! Actually it’s not bragging if it’s all true and well it’s an amazingly TRUE story!)

We had a ball this year at the RWA national conference and I know it was your second conference.  How was it different this year now that you’ve sold?

I went to DC last year by myself not knowing a soul.  I hadn’t joined any online chapters and I was truly anonymous, which was a lot of fun.  I’m pretty shy but that “first timer” ribbon really does help because I met some very nice people, went to every workshop I could and learned so much.  Each night I ate dinner in my room and then watched a movie and went over my stuff from the day, which was pretty relaxing.


Umm…no relaxing this year.  J   I’m in several online chapters that all had get-togethers, I spent some time with my agent and Kensington had a terrific cocktail party.  The Kensington group is wonderful – truly a nice mix of people who love books and are willing to help out a newbie in any way possible.  I had six cocktail parties or get-togethers on Thursday night.  (yes, my feet may never recover).  I brainstormed with my truly excellent critique partner (yes, our blog host today) and sleep wasn’t necessary.  I volunteered at the literacy signing and ended up winning an RWA free conference for next year.(OH YEAH! I TURNED THAT DAMN TICKET IN. NEXT YEAR I REFUSE TO!)  And…I attended every workshop I could with schedule permitting.  I love workshops—and I love learning.

  And now to my favorite part, the EXCERPT!! I just adore Rebecca’s stories!                                                                                                                                         

Slowly, Talen pushed to his feet and strolled across the conference room.

Cara took a step back, her breath hitching.

Smiling, he leaned against the closed door. 

She’d need to go through him to get out.  God, he was huge.  Even if she had known how to fight, she doubted she’d stand a chance when faced with such size and obvious strength.  A feminine fear and a flutter she refused to identify whispered through her, and her spine straightened with a sharp snap.

“I won’t hurt you.” His voice lowered, deepening to a tone that increased her flutter.  He relaxed his stance against the door, his muscled arms crossing.  “I won’t let anyone harm either of you.  Ever.”

Okay.  Fine.  He was too big for her to fight, but she did have a brain.  “Listen, Talen,” she kept her voice soft, soothing.  “It’s great your dating pool just opened up and all, but I’m not looking for—”

A dimple winked in his cheek, stopping her words.  She fought to keep her tone mild.  “Am I amusing you?”  Her chin lifted.


“Why?”  She could even feel his amusement in the air, damn it.

“Your people.  I’ve never understood why you ignore fate.  She has her own plans.”

“Fate?”  He was throwing destiny at her?  Come on.

He nodded. “Fate.” 

“Wow.  That’s poetic, Talen.”  Sarcasm replaced the softness.  “But there’s no way fate is involved here.”

“You’re wrong.”

“Prove it.”

“Okay.”  He lifted his right hand, palm out.  A crest, an intricate one, spread across his calloused skin.  Thick and black, a webbing of arcs together formed a knot with what might be an elaborate ‘K’ in the middle.

“A tattoo?” She quirked an eyebrow, wondered if he had other tats on that magnificent body.

“No.  A brand of sorts.  It appeared earlier after I took your arm.”

“A brand?”  She snorted.  “Bullshit.”

Talen shrugged.  “It’s true, Cara.  The Mark usually doesn’t appear until the mating act, but there are exceptions.”  Golden eyes pinned her.  “Our bond must be strong.”


Talen lifted a shoulder.

Her mind rebelled at the physical evidence before her eyes.  “I said, no.  I choose to ignore your fate.”  How could the mark have appeared?  Conviction sat easily upon his face and her stomach rolled at the question of how far he’d go to follow his fate. 

“That is your choice,” he agreed.

“Damn straight.”  She searched his face for a trick, determination tightening her own jaw.  A raised eyebrow met her glare.  “But you don’t know anything about me.  I could be married.”

“You’re not.”

“How do you know?”

He shrugged.  “My brother Dage shot your file to my blackberry.”

Blackberry?  Vampires used blackberry’s?  Come on.  “Where were you?”  Damn her curiosity.

“In a meeting with my other brother, Conn.”

Geez.  Sounded like a family oriented creature of the night.  Or day.  Or whatever.  She tried another tack.  “Besides, I have a date tonight.”

She wasn’t sure what her goal was, but she didn’t reach it.  A genuine smile played across his lips, and he uncrossed his arms.  “You’re not going to make it.”


Doesn’t that just make your toes curl? I love it! Don’t forget to leave a comment and be entered to win a copy of RIDING DOUBLE. Also you may follow Rebecca on twitter and Face Book as Rebecca Zanetti. Thanks everyone and congrats to Rebecca for a year filled with success and to many more!

Badurday- July 2, 2010- the “I’ll Be Slaying You” Edition

SFCATTY: I’m proud to say that we have a very special guest for this Badurday.  The ladies of the Southern Sizzle blog are proud to have the ultra cool Cynthia Eden as a friend and as a Gulf Coast Chapter RWA co-member. This week marks the release of her book  I’ll Be Slaying You. Since she likes bad boys as  much as I do, I invited her to be a guest this week to mark the  occasion of this release.  So, without further ado, I turn you over to Cynthia.

Ok. I lied- there is further ado: Check these bad boys from Cynthia:

CYNTHIA:    Hi, everyone! Thanks so much to the Sizzlers for inviting me to participate in the Bad Boy Fun. When I was told that Saturday was actually “Bad-urday”—oh, I was excited!

I love bad boys.  Those guys who have a bit of a dark side (or, okay, a VERY big dark side) get to me every time. Those men walk on the edge. They know danger. They know adventure. They are sexy.

One of my favorite bad boys is Riddick from Pitch Black (this movie hooked me on Vin Diesel). Riddick is a convicted killer. He probably shouldn’t have been so attractive. He was. He saved the day with his deadly skills and awesome, um, physique.

Another favorite bad boy is, of course, Spike (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer). I frequently mention my love for Spike. When it comes to vampires, he’s my top pick. Bleached-blond hair, sexy British accent, and, of course, killing skills—what could be better? Spike actually didn’t care about much in the world…except his lady love. 

When they love, bad boys give themselves completely.

Since I enjoy bad boys so much, it’s only natural that I write about them. J And Simon, the hero in my new books, I’LL BE SLAYING YOU, knows all about being bad.  Simon’s an ex-mercenary, a trained killer, and he’s a man who will do just about anything to get what he wants—and, well, what he wants is my heroine, Dee.  Intense, dangerous, strong—that’s my Simon. 

But what do you think about bad boys? Do you have a favorite? Let me know! One commenter will win an autographed copy of I’LL BE SLAYING YOU.

Thank you for checking out my post! (For those in the U.S., enjoy your 4th of July!)

Cynthia Eden
I’LL BE SLAYING YOU–Available 06/29/10 from Kensington Brava
DEADLY FEAR–Available 07/27/10 from Grand Central Publishing (Forever)

 Thanks for being our guest, Cynthia and thanks for sharing this awesome cover.