The Struggling Author

That would be me, Paula Hardin and many others out there in the writing world. I’ve learned so much since I started. When I look back at my first book that I ever wrote it’s a painful thing. Once I entered it in a contest and a judge told me, I should hire a ghostwriter to write my stories. I have to admit, I cried and afterwards couldn’t write for months. Not to mention hurt and also furious. How dare someone tell me to hire someone else to write my stories. I can look back now and realize at the time she may have been right. I didn’t know what I was doing. I thought I did, but I know now that I still don’t know everything, but I’m learning my way.

I’m not the best at blogging, I have twitter, Instagram, and Facebook and I even have google+, and Pinterest. I’m in the process of recovering my first book’s cover so I can do a relaunch. In September4th through the 6th I’ll be going to the Writers for New Orleans and I’ll actually have a table at the book signing. This December at the Geekonomicon 2015 Convention in Biloxi, MS I’m going to have a table and there working out the details but I might also be on a panel or two. I’ll keep you posted.

Here is my link to: Forever Lost, and The Unforeseen Rescue, which is in ebook and paperbacks.

2 Responses

  1. And here you are… A Victor!

  2. I love your stories, Paula, and your pics are outstanding!! Persistence wins out! Rita

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